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16-1 Sawtry Abbey

1.         Introduction.

1.1.      Purpose.  The purpose of this archaeological project record is to document events, capture hypotheses and decisions made, and collate findings, results and reports created through the life of the project.  It will also set the conditions by which archaeological investigation of the Sawtry Abbey site will be undertaken by Sawtry History Society (SHS).  As such, it is a living document that will evolve as the project itself evolves.

1.2.      Site Details.

1.2.1.   Location.  Sawtry Abbey site rests on the eastern parish boundary (Figure 1.1) in the eastern half of National Grid Reference (NGR) square TL1982 (Figures 1.2 and 1.3).  Historically, this was located in the extreme northeast of the parish of Sawtry Judith (Figure 1.1).


































1.2.2.   Site Benchmark (SBM).  This has been set at the centre point of the southern nave wall of the Abbey church at NGR TL19746 82565 (Figure 1.3).


1.2.3.   Site Reference Code.  The site reference code for all archaeological activities is SAWABB16-YY, where YY is the last two digits of the calendar year; eg SAWABB16-16.


1.2.4.   Geology.  The site sits astride a narrow 5m contour on bedrock that is comprised of Oxford Clay Formation-Mudstone, with no superficial deposits, and lies directly below the top and sub-soils (Figure 1.4).

























1.2.5.   Protection.  Sawtry Abbey site is a Scheduled Monument under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 as amended, and is listed on the Historic England (HE) Heritage List (HLE 1013280).  The area protected by scheduling is shown on Figure 1.5.




















1.2.6.   Heritage Records.  Historic England National Heritage List for England (HLE) listings and Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Records (CHER) are either directly associated with (the location grid reference for the record relates directly to the site - Figure 1.6a), or related (the location grid reference for the record lies within adjacent landscape - Figure 1.6b), which contextualize the site within the archaeological landscape.  Full details are contained in Annex E, Appendix 1. Directly Associated.


HLE 1013280 Sawtry Abbey, A Cistercian abbey on the southern edge of Sawtry Fen

CHER CB15419 Sawtry Abbey Related.

HLE 1309479 Lowcote House

HLE 1330495 Grange Farm Cottage

CHER 00978 Abbey Farm, Sawtry

CHER 00979 Roman Coin, Abbey Farm, Sawtry

CHER 01021 Homestead Moat, Grange Farm, Sawtry

CHER 01303 Roman Coin, Thistle Hill, Sawtry

CHER 01548 Roman Coin, Sawtry

CHER 09809 Mound, Milne Close, Sawtry

CHER MCB20096 Post-Medieval Ditch and Modern Post Holes at Double Bank Lane, Sawtry

CHER MCB23363 Cropmarks of Rectilinear Enclosures, Northeast of Bottom Lodge Farm, Sawtry

CHER MCB30082 Undated Linear Settlement Complex, Northeast of Ede’s Lodge, Sawtry

CHER MCB30083 Undated Ring Ditch, Sawtry

CHER MCB30084 Abbey Farm, Sawtry

CHER MCB30085 Undated Rectilinear Field System, Sawtry

CHER MCB30088 Neolithic Axe, Sawtry

CHER MCB30515 Cropmark Remains of Enclosures and Tracks

1.2.7.   Land Use.  The site is private land managed by Abbey Farm and is held in pasture for grazing.


1.2.8.   Utilities.  There are no known utilities within the site boundaries.


1.3.      Historical Background.  A detailed historical background is provided in SHS001.  Historical information of relevance to this project record is given below:


1.3.1.   The remaining stone features of the dissolved Abbey precinct were extensively robbed-out in the mid-19th Century when a local landowner employed out-of-work railway labourers to remove all re-usable stone.


1.3.2.   The surviving earthworks suggest that, in addition to the removal of standing stone features, foundations were also excavated.


1.3.3.   During the period 1907-1912 an extensive survey of the Abbey Site was undertaken by Inskip Ladds which resulted in the publishing of a paper and informed drawings (Figures 1.7 and 1.8).










































2.         Aims and Methodology.


2.1.      Aims.  The aims of Sawtry Abbey site surveys are to:


2.1.1.   Determine the accuracy of drawings made by Inskipp Ladds and ascertain to what extent, if any, they were influenced by his visit to Roche Abbey.


2.1.2.   Locate buildings/functional spaces commonly expected to be present in the Cistercian abbey model, not included on the Inskip Ladds drawings.


2.1.3.   Determine the precinct boundary and its composition.


2.1.4.   Determine whether there are any distinct phases of construction.


2.1.5.   Determine whether there were any other periods of occupation prior to the Abbey’s foundation or subsequent to its abandonment/destruction.


2.1.6.   Enable SHS archaeologists to gain proficiency in the use of both the Geoscan Research RM85 Resistance Meter System and PA20 probe array assembly and Geoscan FM256 Fluxgate Gradiometer.


2.1.7.   Enable SHS archaeologists to gain proficiency in the use of Snuffler software, specifically; importing, filtering, interpreting and analysing data.


2.1.8.   Enable SHS archaeologists to develop geophysical survey procedures for future surveys.


2.2.      Methodology.  The methodologies to be employed are:


2.2.1.   Geophysical survey using both earth resistance and magnetometry.


2.2.2.   Topographical survey.


2.2.3.   Field walking.


2.2.4.   Research.


3.         Objectives.


3.1.      Establish a site survey grid centred on the SBM, aligned with true north and divided into 20m x 20m survey squares that encompasses the scheduled area as shown on HLE 1013280.


3.2.      Undertake surveys that will address the above stated aims.


3.2.1.   Geophysical earth resistance and magnetometry survey (25-26 Jun 16), extending 60m south from SBM, and 60m east and west of SBM, aligned with the south nave wall earthwork.  Survey targets:  cloistral garth and east, west and south ranges; earthworks east of east range (possible infirmary, Abbots lodging); missing elements of south range; evidence of service activity west of west range.  Event number; ECB6689.


3.2.2.   Geophysical earth resistance survey (8 Dec 16), extending 20m north from SBM and 60m east of SBM, aligned along magnetic east-west.  Survey targets:  east bays of nave; transept and crossing; transept chapels; presbytery; cemetery.  Event number; ECB6689.


3.2.3.   Topographical survey (18 Mar 17) to confirm SBM, church exterior earthworks and additional features of specific interest.


3.2.4.   Topographical survey (9 Aug 20) to locate burrow holes and record any surface finds in their vicinity.  Located burrow holes would then allow for periodic revisits to identify finds brought the surface since the previous visit.


3.3.      Through research provide both Cistercian and geosocial contextual settings in which analysis of survey results can be placed.


4.         Project Records.


4.1.      Site Survey Sheets are at Annex A.


4.2.      Permissions (Schemes of Work, requests for a licence to undertake archaeological investigation, licences granted to undertake archaeological investigation, requests for Event Numbers and notification of Event Numbers) at Annex B.


4.3.      Interim Reports at Annex C.


4.4       Project Reports at Annex D.


4.5.      Research at Annex E.


4.6.      Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) at Annex F.


4.7.      Public Engagement at Annex G.


4.8.      Funding at Annex H.


5.         Resources.


5.1.      Geoscan Research RM85 Resistance Meter System and PA20 Probe Array assembly for geophysical resistivity surveys (loaned by Oxford Archaeology East).


5.2.      Geoscan FM256 Fluxgate Gradiometer for geophysical magnetometry surveys (loaned by Oxford Archaeology East).


5.3.      Topographical survey equipment will be provided by the survey team.


5.4.      Survey grid marking system will be provided by SHS.


6.         Site Management.


6.1.      Survey activity is to be controlled by SHS archaeologists and is not to be undertaken unless agreed with Abbey Farm.


6.2.      Geophysical survey is not to be undertaken unless licensed by HE.  Such licences are to be retained at Annex B.


6.3.      No excavation or other invasive activity is to be undertaken unless licensed by HE.  Such licences are to be retained at Annex B.


6.4.      All survey activity is to be undertaken in accordance with the Generic Risk Assessment (GRA) at Annex F.  Additional dynamic risk assessments may be implemented if deemed necessary by the SHS archaeologists.  All participants and site visitors are to sign as having understood the GRA and any additional dynamics.


6.5.      There are no welfare facilities available on this site.  All participants are responsible for the provision of their own food and refreshments.


Project Record 16-1 Annex A Site Grid

Project Record 16-1 Annex A, Appendix 1 Site Survey Sheets

Project Record 16-1 Annex B Permissions

Project Record 16-1 Annex B, Appendix 1 Event Numbers

Project Record 16-1 Annex B, Attachment 1 Sawtry Abbey Survey 2016 Archaeological Evaluation - Scheme of Works

Project Record 16-1 Annex B, Attachment 2 AM&AAA 1979 S42 Licence to Geophys Survey - Sawtry Abbey (4 Apr 16)

Project Record 16-1 Annex B, Attachment 3 AM&AAA 1979 S42 Licence to Geophys Survey - Sawtry Abbey (22 Nov 16)

Project Record 16-1 Annex C Interim Reports

Project Record 16-1 Annex C, Attachment 1 SHS 16-1/RA-1 - Geophysical Earth Resistance and Magnetometry Survey: Results and Analysis (25 - 26 Jun 16)Annex A Survey Record SheetsAnnex B Additional Data and Composite Plot Display OptionEnclosure Historic England Geophysical Survey Database Questionnaire

Project Record 16-1 Annex C, Attachment 2 SHS 16-1/RA-2 - Geophysical Earth Resistance Survey: Results and Analysis (8 Dec 16Annex A Survey Record SheetsAnnex B Additional Data and Composite Plot Display OptionsEnclosure Historic England Geophysical Survey Database Questionnaire

Project Record 16-1 Annex C, Attachment 3 SHS 16-1/IR-3 - Topographical Survey: Interim Report (18 Mar 17) (In Progress)

Project Record 16-1 Annex C, Attachment 4 SHS 16-1/IR-4 - Topographical Survey: Interim Report (9 Aug 20) (In Progress)

Project Record 16-1 Annex D Project Reports

Project Record 16-1 Annex D, Attachment 1 Report on the Geophysical Resistivity and Magnetometry Survey Conducted 25-26 Jun 16 and Geophysical Resistivity Survey Conducted 8 Dec 16Annex A Survey Record SheetsAnnex B Additional Data and Composite Plot Display OptionsEnclosure Historic England Geophysical Survey Database Questionnaire

Project Record 16-1 Annex E Research

Project Record 16-1 Annex E, Appendix 1 Research Sources and Data Summary

Project Record 16-1 Annex E, Appendix 2 Research Narrative

Project Record 16-1 Annex F Occupational Safety and Health

Project Record 16-1 Annex G Public Engagement

Project Record 16-1 Annex G, Appendix 1 Site Diaries

Project Record 16-1 Annex G, Appendix 2 Presentations

Project Record 16-1 Annex G, Appendix 2, Attachment 1 20170525 Preliminary Presentation on Archaeological Investigations

Project Record 16-1 Annex G, Appendix 2, Attachment 2 20191017 Preliminary Presentation on Archaeological Investigations

Project Record 16-1 Annex G, Appendix 2, Attachment 3 20210912 Sawtry Abbey Tour

Project Record 16-1 Annex G, Appendix 2, Attachment 4 20210906 FRAG 10 Minutes Talk - Notes with Slides

Project Record 16-1 Annex G, Appendix 3 Leaflets

Project Record 16-1 Annex G, Appendix 3, Attachment 1 20180607 Information Leaflet 1a

Project Record 16-1 Annex G, Appendix 3, Attachment 2 20180607 Information Leaflet 1b

Project Record 16-1 Annex G, Appendix 4 Miscellaneous Information

Project Record 16-1 Annex G, Appendix 4, Attachment 1 20170606 Information Board

Project Record 16-1 Annex G, Appendix 4, Attachment 2 20200827 FB Posts - Poor Sawtry Abbey

Project Record 16-1 Annex G, Appendix 4, Attachment 3 20200907 FB Posts - Cistercian Foundation

Project Record 16-1 Annex G, Appendix 4, Attachment 4 20220802 SHS Articles on the Cistercian Order

Project Record 16-1 Annex H Funding



The bibliography lists those sources of reference identified within the body of this project record.


British Geological Society. 2017. Geology of Britain Viewer. (3 February 2017).


Google Earth. 2016.


Historic England. 1995.  Sawtry Abbey: A Cistercian abbey on the southern edge of Sawtry Fen (HLE 1013280). (24 May 2016).


Inskip Ladds, S. 1913. ‘Sawtry Abbey, Huntingdonshire’, Transactions of the Cambridgeshire & Huntingdonshire Archaeological Society, 3(8), pp. 295-322.


Inskip Ladds, S. 1914. ‘Sawtry Abbey, Huntingdonshire’, Transactions of the Cambridgeshire & Huntingdonshire Archaeological Society, 3(9), pp. 339-374.


Ordnance Survey. 2006. Peterborough. Explorer series, sheet 227 west, 1:25,000.  Southampton: Ordnance Survey.



The references lists those sources of reference consulted but not identified within the body of this project record.


Burton, J. and Kerr, J. 2011. The Cistercians in the Middle Ages. (22 February 2017).


Coppack, G. 2013. Fountains Abbey. (15 November 2016).


Fletcher, J. 1919. The Cistercians in Yorkshire. (15 November 2016).


France, J. 2012. Separate but Equal: Cistercian Lay Brothers 1120-1350. (15 November 2016).

Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Abbey Farm, Sawtry (00978). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Roman Coin, Abbey Farm, Sawtry (00979). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Homestead Moat, Grange Farm, Sawtry (01021). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Roman Coin, Thistle Hill, Sawtry (01303). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Roman Coin, Sawtry (01548). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Mound, Milne Close, Sawtry (09809). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Sawtry Abbey (CB15419). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Roman, Saxon and Medieval Finds, Sawtry (MCB16124). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Judith Sawtry Deserted Village (MCB16127). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Post-Medieval Ditch and Modern Post Holes at Double Bank Lane, Sawtry (MCB20069). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Cropmarks of Rectilinear Enclosures, Northeast of Bottom Lodge Farm, Sawtry (MCB23363). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Undated Linear Settlement Complex, Northeast of Ede’s Lodge, Sawtry (MCB30082). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Undated Ring Ditch, Sawtry (MCB30083). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Abbey Farm, Sawtry (MCB30084). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Undated Rectilinear Field System, Sawtry (MCB30085). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Neolithic Axe, Sawtry (MCB30088). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER:  Cropmark Remains of Enclosures and Tracks (MCB30515). (Accessed 1 November 2022).


Hill, P. and Gatreaux, M. 2016. Sawtry Abbey Survey 2016: Archaeological Evaluation.  Sawtry: Sawtry History Society.

Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Lowecote House (HLE 1309479). (Accessed 19 September 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Grange Farm Cottage (HLE 1330495). (Accessed 18 September 2022).


Race, S. 2011. Aelred of Rievaulx: Cistercian Monk and Medieval Man. (15 November 2016).


Robinson, D. and Harrison, S. 2006. ‘Cistercian Cloisters in England and Wales Part I: Essay’, Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 159(1), pp. 131-207.

Figure 1.5.jpg

Figure 1.5: Area of Scheduled Monument (Historic England, 1995)

Figure 1.1.jpg

Figure 1.1: Site relative to Sawtry (Google Earth, 2016)

Figure 1.2.jpg

Figure 1.2: Site relative to Sawtry (Ordnance Survey, 2006)

Figure 1.3.jpg

Figure 1.3: Sawtry Abbey site with SBM (red dot) (Ordnance Survey, 2006)

Figure 1.4.jpg

Figure 1.4: Site geology (British Geological Survey, 2017)

Figure 1.6.jpg

Figure 1.7: Abbey plan (Inskip Ladds, 1913)

Figure 1.6b: Related heritage records (Google Earth, 2020)

Figure 1.6a: Directly associated heritage records (Google Earth, 2020)

Figure 1.7.jpg

Figure 1.8: Abbey plan (Inskip Ladds, 1914)

© Sawtry History Society                                                                                                                                                            Last Updated:  6 March 2025

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