Archaeology Projects
13-1 Peacock's Field (North), Abbey Farm
14-1 HEFA / ILAFS Test Pits
16-1 Sawtry Abbey
16-2 Sawtry Judith
17-1 Hill Top, Alconbury Weston
17-2 Sawtry Archaeological Record
19-1 Alconbury Brook, Alconbury
19-2 Safe Field, Alconbury Weston
21-1 Broughton
22-1 Buckworth
17-1 Hill Top, Alconbury Weston
1. Introduction.
1.1. Purpose. The purpose of this archaeological project record is to document events, capture hypotheses and decisions made, and collate findings, results and reports created through the life of the project. It will also set the conditions by which archaeological investigation on Hill Top, Alconbury Weston is planned and undertaken by Sawtry History Society (SHS). As such, it is a living document that will evolve as the project itself evolves.
1.2. Site Details.
1.2.1. Location. The site consists of Hill Top and Long Nines that covers an area in excess of 8 hectares. It is located west of the A1 and east of Vinegar Hill in the centre of Alconbury Weston Civil Parish (Figure 1.1), and centrally in the northern half of National Grid Reference (NGR) square TL 18 77. Situated on the west edge of a 45m contour, the site has commanding views of Ermine Street to the east, the Alconburys and Alconbury Brook to the immediate south, and the lowlands west of Ermine Street in all directions (Figures 1.2 and 1.3).
1.2.2. Reference Points. The Site Benchmark (SBM) has been set on the edge of the tree line adjacent to the south corner of the residential gardens at NGR TL 18374 77628 (Figure 1.3).
1.2.3. Site Reference Code. The site reference code for all archaeological activities is ALW171-YY, where YY is the last two digits of the calendar year; eg ALW171-17.
1.2.4. Geology. The site sits on the west edge of a plateau on the 45m contour that overlooks the Alconburys. The bedrock is Oxford Clay Formation-Mudstone with Oadby Member-Diamicton superficial deposits, above which are varying depths of plough-soil (Figure 1.4). Oxford Clay Formation-Mudstone. A sedimentary bedrock formed approximately 157 to 166 million years ago in the Jurassic Period where the local environment was previously dominated by shallow seas. These sedimentary rocks are shallow-marine in origin and are detrital, ranging from coarse- to fine-grained (locally with some carbonate content) forming interbedded sequences. Oadby Member-Diamicton. Superficial Deposits formed up to 2 million years ago in the Quaternary Period where the local environment was previously dominated by ice age conditions. These sedimentary deposits are glacigenic in origin and are detrital, created by the action of ice and meltwater - they can form a wide range of deposits and geomorphologies associated with glacial and inter-glacial periods during the Quaternary.
1.2.5. Protection. The site is not protected or within a conservation area.
1.2.6. Heritage Records. Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Records (CHER) are either directly associated with the site - the location grid reference lies within the site boundary (Figure 1.5a), or related to the site - the location grid reference lies within the adjacent landscape (Figure 1.5b), and contextualize the site within the archaeological landscape. Full details are contained in Annex E, Appendix 1. Directly Associated.
CHER 00806A Roman Finds, Barn Ground, Alconbury Hill
CHER 00808 Iron Age/Roman Pottery and Brooch, Blacklands, Alconbury Hill
CHER 00809 Roman Pottery and Tile, Alconbury Weston
CHER 01724 Blacklands Field, Alconbury Weston
CHER 10499 Medieval Field Remains, Alconbury Hill
CHER MCB15885 Multi-Period Remains, Vinegar Hill Related.
HLE 1006857 Duck Decoy site in Hermitage Wood
HLE 1130211 Milepost, Great North Road (Central Reservation)
HLE 1164816 Milepost
CHER 00777 Earthwork Remains of Ridge and Furrow, Alconbury Weston
CHER 00785 Hill Field Windmill, Alconbury Weston
CHER 00798 Strip Lynchets on S Side of Alconbury Brook
CHER 00799 Roman Coin Find, Gallicroft Allotments, Alconbury Weston
CHER 00806 Romano-British Settlement, Alconbury Hill
CHER 00810 Moat House, Alconbury Weston
CHER 00812 Alconbury Hill Obelisk
CHER 00813 Road Metalling from Ermine Street, Alconbury Weston
CHER 00817 Roman Pottery, Two Sixes, Alconbury Hill
CHER 00829 Roman Pottery, Alconbury Weston
CHER 00830 Roman Pottery, Alconbury Weston
CHER 00831 Roman Pit, Alconbury Weston
CHER 00833 Coppingford, Hermitage, Hermitage Wood
CHER 00835 Medieval Pottery, Alconbury Weston
CHER 00836 Roman Building, Alconbury Weston
CHER 00837 Roman Remains, Cobbs Ground, Alconbury
CHER 02066 Roman Ditch, Alconbury Weston
CHER 02068 Roman Pottery Scatter, Alconbury Weston
CHER 02588 Roman Pottery, Maggots Gap, Abbots Ripton
CHER 02588a Iron-Age Pottery, Maggots Gap, Abbots Ripton
CHER 06152 Undated Enclosures, Alconbury Weston
CHER 09952 Roman Pottery, Alconbury Weston
CHER CB15296 Park, Alconbury Weston
CHER CB15565 Excavated Remains of Ridge and Furrow, Alconbury Hill
CHER MCB18107 Milestone, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB18382 Rectilinear Enclosure, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB18535 Rectilinear Enclosure, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB21714 Site of Wheatsheaf Public House, Alconbury Hill
CHER MCB23633 Earthwork Enclosures and Ditches, Hermitage Wood
CHER MCB24436 Implement Works, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB24810 Scotts Lodge, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB25068 Cropmark Enclosures, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB29752 Undated Oval Enclosure, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB29753 Undated Oval Enclosure, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB29754 Enclosure Settlement Complex, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB29755 D Shaped Enclosure North of Sailors Rest, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB29756 Undated Enclosures, Vinegar Hill, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB29757 Undated Enclosures, Vinegar Hill, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB29758 Oval Enclosure, Vinegar Hill, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB29762 Post-Medieval Extraction, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB30089 Possible Roman Enclosures, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB30101 Rectilinear Enclosure, Alconbury Weston
CHER MCB30963 Cropmark Remains of Ridge and Furrow, Alconbury Weston
1.2.7. Land Use. The two fields that comprise the site (Hill Top and Long Nines) were used for arable farming, and as such, subjected to modern farming methods including ploughing and harrowing for crops, and deeper mole ploughing for drainage. From early 2018, Hill Top was held as grassland for hay and sileage. In 2021 the land was placed on the market for sale. Following the final grass harvest and prior to relinquishing of the tenancy, the site was manured with straw that was heavily contaminated with farm detritus (that included bailing twine, stones and metal sherds) and subsequently left untendered and abandoned to scrub. Sale of the land was completed in January 2023; the new landowner’s intended use of the land is unknown.
1.2.8. Utilities. A redundant branch of the ex-government fuel oil pipeline (now under private ownership) runs through the west end of the site, whilst a medium pressure gas pipeline runs through the site on a north/south alignment west of the Hill Top cottages. There is also a short low voltage (230V/480V) supply line serving the new barn in the berm enclosure and a low voltage supply line to the north of Hill Top Cottages that serves a sewage kiosk; suggesting that there is an underground sewage reservoir at the northeast of Hill Top Cottages (see Figure 1.6).
1.3. Historical Background. In 1932 Dr J R Garood MD, a local antiquarian of the Cambridgeshire & Huntingdonshire Archaeological Society (CHAS), began investigating the fields of Blacklands and Barn Ground (the previous field names of the field now known as Hill Top) as part of a wider investigation of Iron Age and Roman-British settlement sites on Alconbury Hill. Further archaeological investigations were undertaken by the Archaeology Field Unit of Cambridgeshire County Council (CCCAFU) in 1991, 1992 and 1995 in advance of A1 widening. Archaeological investigations were also carried out by Birmingham University Field Archaeology Unit (BUFAU) in 1996 also in advance of A1 widening. Since 2009 the two fields of the site have undergone methodical metal detecting which has produced a considerable volume of Roman artefacts ranging from coins to high status jewellery spanning four centuries of Roman occupation. Incidental to the metal finds was a wealth of ceramic artefacts including pot sherds, CBM and tesserae. Sawtry Archaeology, under the auspice of Sawtry History Society, has undertaken periodic, and ongoing, archaeological investigations since 2017.
2. Aims and Methodology.
2.1. Aims. The aims of archaeological investigation of the Hill Top site are to:
2.1.1. Test the theory for Romano-British settlement in Hill Top field, Alconbury Weston.
2.1.2. Determine the extent of settlement and establish whether it consisted of a single or several buildings.
2.1.3. Determine the period of Romano-British settlement and whether it was continuous or phased.
2.1.4. Determine the purpose, nature, status and duration of settlement; for instance, is the site a mansio or lesser road-side waystation, a villa, a religious complex, or one of industry or manufacturing.
2.1.5. Identify any unique functional spaces or complexes.
2.1.6. Place the site within the contemporary landscape in respect of local rural settlements and the nearby towns of Durovigutum (Godmanchester) and Durobrivae (Water Newton), and whether it contributes evidence towards the supposition of an Imperial Estate in the fens.
2.1.7. Understand the site's relationship with the road and river communications networks (Ermine Street, secondary roads connecting Leicester and Dorchester, and the river Great Ouse) in respect of trade, commerce and/or industry.
2.1.8. Explore the origins of Romano-British settlement, did it evolve from existing Iron-Age settlement or develop independently as an adjunct or supplant and subsequently, was it abandoned as Roman administration withdrew, or did settlement continue and adopt Anglo-Saxon identity.
2.2. Methodology. The methodologies to be employed are:
2.2.1. Geophysical survey using both earth resistance and magnetometry.
2.2.2. Topographical survey.
2.2.3. Field walking.
2.2.4. Research.
2.2.5. Archaeological Excavation.
3. Objectives.
3.1 Establish a site grid centred on the SBM, aligned with true north and divided into 20m x 20m survey squares, that encompasses the site.
3.2. Undertake surveys that will address the above stated aims.
3.2.1. Geophysical magnetometry (24 Feb 17),
3.2.2. Geophysical earth resistance (7 - 8 May 17).
3.2.3. Field walking (30 Sep and 6 Oct 17).
3.2.4. Geophysical earth resistance (14 May 18).
3.2.5. Geophysical earth resistance (5 - 8 Mar 20).
3.2.6. Geophysical earth resistance and magnetometry (10 - 18 Apr 21).
3.2.7. Geophysical earth resistance (19 - 21 Feb 22).
3.2.8. Geophysical earth resistance (26 - 29 May 22).
3.3. Undertake excavations that will explore survey results.
3.3.1. Evaluation excavation (30 Oct 18 - 18 Feb 19).
3.3.2. Excavation (22 - 28 Feb and 3 - 8 Mar 20).
4. Project Records.
4.1. Site Grid at Annex A.
4.2. Permissions (Schemes of Work, requests for a licence to undertake archaeological investigation, licences granted to undertake archaeological investigation, requests for Event Numbers and notification of Event Numbers) at Annex B.
4.3. Results and Analysis at Annex C.
4.4 Project Reports at Annex D.
4.5. Research at Annex E.
4.6. Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) at Annex F.
4.6.1. Possible diesel oil contamination was identified whilst setting up the geophysical survey grid in March 2020. A film of diesel oil was observed on surface water in the southwest corner of Hill Top. It was subsequently noted that this area was coincidental to the line of the ex-government fuel oil pipeline that transits the west side of Hill Top and exits at the southwest corner (Figure 6.1). This presents a potential health and safety issue should excavation be considered in this area of the site.
4.7. Public Engagement at Annex G.
4.8. Funding at Annex H.
5. Resources.
5.1. Geoscan Research RM85 Resistance Meter System and PA20 Probe Array assembly for geophysical resistivity surveys (loaned by Oxford Archaeology East).
5.2. Geoscan FM256 Fluxgate Gradiometer for geophysical magnetometry surveys (loaned by Oxford Archaeology East).
5.3. Topographical survey equipment will be provided by the survey team.
5.4. Survey grid marking system will be provided by SHS.
6. Site Management.
6.1. Archaeological activity is to be controlled by SHS archaeologists and coordinated with the Landowners' Historical Research Group is not to be undertaken unless agreed with the landowner, manager or tenant.
6.2. All archaeological activity is to be undertaken in accordance with the Generic Risk Assessment (GRA) at Annex F. Additional dynamic risk assessments may be implemented if deemed necessary by the SHS archaeologists. All participants and site visitors are to sign as having understood the GRA and any additional dynamics.
6.3. There are no welfare facilities available on this site. All participants are responsible for the provision of their own food and refreshments.
Project Record 17-1 Annex A Site Grid
Project Record 17-1 Annex A, Appendix 1 Site Survey Sheets
Project Record 17-1 Annex A, Appendix 2 Site Excavation Sheets
Project Record 17-1 Annex A, Appendix 3 Original and Revised Grid Cross-Reference
Project Record 17-1 Annex B Permissions
Project Record 17-1 Annex B, Appendix 1 Event Numbers
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 1 SHS 17-1/IR-1 - Research into Previous Archaeological Investigations Prior to 2009 - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 1 SHS 17-1/IR-1 - Research into Previous Archaeological Investigations Prior to 2009 - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report, Annex C Consolidation of the Archaeological Assemblages Recovered by Previous Archaeological Investigations
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 3 SHS 17-1/IR-3 - Geophysical Magnetometry Survey (24 Feb 17) - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 5 SHS 17-1/IR-5 - Field Walking Survey (30 Sep and 6 Oct 17) - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report, Annex A Site Grid
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 5 SHS 17-1/IR-5 - Field Walking Survey (30 Sep and 6 Oct 17) - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report, Annex B Survey Record Sheet
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 5 SHS 17-1/IR-5 - Field Walking Survey (30 Sep and 6 Oct 17) - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report, Annex C Record of Field Walk Finds
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 5 SHS 17-1/IR-5 - Field Walking Survey (30 Sep and 6 Oct 17) - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report, Annex D Description of Romano-Britain Pottery
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 6 SHS 17-1/IR-6 - Geophysical Earth Resistance Survey (14 May 18) - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report, Annex A Site Grid
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 6 SHS 17-1/IR-6 - Geophysical Earth Resistance Survey (14 May 18) - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report, Annex B Survey Record Sheets
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 6 SHS 17-1/IR-6 - Geophysical Earth Resistance Survey (14 May 18) - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report, Annex C Additional Data Plot Display Options and Composite Plots
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 6 SHS 17-1/IR-6 - Geophysical Earth Resistance Survey (14 May 18) - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report, Enclosure Historic England Geophysical Survey Database Questionnaire
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 9 SHS 17-1/IR-9 - Geophysical Earth Resistance Survey (5 - 8 Mar 20) - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report, Annex A Site Grid
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 9 SHS 17-1/IR-9 - Geophysical Earth Resistance Survey (5 - 8 Mar 20) - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report, Annex B Survey Record Sheet
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 9 SHS 17-1/IR-9 - Geophysical Earth Resistance Survey (5 - 8 Mar 20) - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report, Annex C Additional Data Plot Display Options and Composite Plots
Project Record 17-1 Annex C Interim Reports, Attachment 9 SHS 17-1/IR-9 - Geophysical Earth Resistance Survey (5 - 8 Mar 20) - Hill Top, Alconbury Weston: Interim Report, Enclosure Historic England Geophysical Survey Database Questionnaire
Project Record 17-1 Annex D Project Reports
Project Record 17-1 Annex E Research
Project Record 17-1 Annex E, Appendix 1 Research and Data Summary
Project Record 17-1 Annex E, Appendix 2 Research Narrative
Project Record 17-1 Annex F Occupational Safety and Health
Project Record 17-1 Annex G Public Engagement
Project Record 17-1 Annex G, Appendix 1 Site Diaries
Project Record 17-1 Annex G, Appendix 2 Presentations
Project Record 17-1 Annex G, Appendix 3 Leaflets
Project Record 17-1 Annex G, Appendix 4 Miscellaneous Information
Project Record 17-1 Annex G, Appendix 4, Attachment 2 20201009 Hill Top, Alconbury Weston - Summary
Project Record 17-1 Annex G, Appendix 4, Attachment 3 20210702 Parish Pump Article - Autumn 21

Figure 1.1: Site relative to Alconbury Weston (Google Earth, 2016)

Figure 1.2: Site relative to Alconbury Weston (Ordnance Survey, 2006)

Figure 1.3: Hill Top site with SBM (red dot) (Ordnance Survey, 2006)

Figure 1.4: Site geology (British Geological Survey, 2017)

Figure 1.5a: Directly associated heritage records (Google Earth, 2016)

Figure 1.5b: Related heritage records (Google Earth, 2016)

Figure 1.6: Utilities (Google Earth, 2016)

Figure 6.1: Fuel oil pipeline and approximate area of diesel oil contamination
(Google Earth, 2016)
The bibliography lists those sources of reference identified within the body of this project record.
British Geological Society. 2017. Geology of Britain Viewer.
Available from: http://mapapps.bgs.ac.uk/geologyofbritain/home.html (Accessed: 3 February 2017).
Google Earth. 2016.
Google Earth. 2020.
Ordnance Survey. 2006. Peterborough. Explorer series, sheet 227 west, 1:25,000. Southampton: Ordnance Survey.
The references list those sources of reference consulted but not identified within the body of this project record.
Evans, G. and Shotliff, D. 1990. A1 Widening Scheme, Alconbury - Fletton Parkway: An Archaeological Assessment 1990, TL190769-138949. Cambridge: Cambridgeshire County Council.
Garrood, J.R. 1946. 'Romano-British Settlements at Alconbury Hill, Huntingdonshire', Transactions of the Cambridgeshire & Huntingdonshire Archaeological Society, VI(VIII), pp. 203-208.
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Earthwork Remains of Ridge and Furrow, Alconbury Weston (00777).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB998&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Hill Field Windmill, Alconbury Weston (00785).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1006&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Strip Lynchets on South Side of Alconbury Brook (00798).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1021&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Coin Find, Gallicroft Allotments, Alconbury Weston (00799).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1022&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Romano-British Settlement, Alconbury Hill (00806).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1030&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Finds, Barn Ground, Alconbury Hill (00806A).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1031&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Iron Age/Roman Pottery and Brooch, Blacklands, Alconbury Hill (00808).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1033&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Pottery and Tile, Alconbury Weston (00809).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1035&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Moat House, Alconbury Weston (00810).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1036&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Alconbury Hill Obelisk (00812).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1038&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Road Metalling from Ermine Street, Alconbury Weston (00813).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1039&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Pottery, Two Sixes, Alconbury Hill (00817).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1043&resourceID=1000 (Access 3 April 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Pottery, Alconbury Weston (00829).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1055&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Pottery, Alconbury Weston (00830).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1056&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Pit, Alconbury Weston (00831).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1057&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Coppingford, Hermitage, Hermitage Wood (00833).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1059&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Medieval Pottery, Alconbury Weston (00835).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1061&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Building, Alconbury Weston (00836).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1062&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Remains, Cobbs Ground, Alconbury (00837).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB1063&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Blacklands Field, Alconbury Weston (01724).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB2208&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Ditch, Alconbury Weston (02066).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB2633&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Pottery Scatter, Alconbury Weston (02068).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB2635&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Pottery, Maggots Gap, Abbots Ripton (02588).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB3245&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Iron Age Pottery, Maggots Gap, Abbots Ripton (02588a).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB3246&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Undated Enclosures, Alconbury Weston (06152).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB7490&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 6 April 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Pottery, Alconbury Weston (09952).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB11809&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Medieval Field Remains, Alconbury Hill (10499).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB12471&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Park, Alconbury Weston (CB15296).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB15296&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Excavated Remains of Ridge and Furrow, Alconbury Hill (CB15565).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB15565&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Multi-period Remains, Vinegar Hill (MCB15885).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB15885&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 29 September 2018).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Milestone, Vinegar Hill, Alconbury Weston (MCB18017).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB18107&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Rectilinear Enclosure, Alconbury Weston (MCB18382).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB18382&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 6 April 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Rectilinear Enclosure, Alconbury Weston (MCB18535).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB18535&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 6 April 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Site of Wheatsheaf Public House, Alconbury Weston (MCB21714).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB21714&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Earthwork Enclosures and Ditches, Hermitage Wood (MCB23633).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB23633&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 6 April 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Implement Works, Alconbury Weston (MCB24436).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB24436&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Scotts Lodge, Alconbury Weston (MCB24810).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB24810&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Cropmark Enclosures, Alconbury Weston (MCB25068).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB25068&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 6 April 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Undated Oval Enclosure, Alconbury Weston (MCB29752).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB29752&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 6 April 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Undated Oval Enclosure, Alconbury Weston (MCB29753).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB29753&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 6 April 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Enclosure Settlement Complex, Alconbury Weston (MCB29754).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB29754&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 6 April 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: D Shaped Enclosure North of Sailors Rest, Alconbury Weston (MCB29755).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB29755&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Undated Enclosures, Vinegar Hill, Alconbury Weston (MCB29756).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB29756&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 3 April 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Undated Enclosures, Vinegar Hill, Alconbury Weston (MCB29757).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB29757&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 3 April 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Oval Enclosure, Vinegar Hill, Alconbury Weston (MCB29758).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB29758&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 3 April 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Post-Medieval Extraction, Alconbury Weston (MCB29762).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB29762&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
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https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB30089&resourceID=1000 (6 April 2022).
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https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB30101&resourceID=1000 (6 April 2022).
Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Cropmark Remains of Ridge and Furrow, Alconbury Weston (MCB30963).
https://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=MCB30963&resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).
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https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1006857?section=official-list-entry (Accessed 26 November 2022).
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https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1130211?section=official-list-entry (Accessed 26 November 2022).
Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Milepost (HLE 1164816).
https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/11164816?section=official-list-entry (Accessed 26 November 2022).
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