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19-1 Alconbury Brook, Alconbury

1.          Introduction.

1.1.       Purpose.  The purpose of this archaeological project record is to document events, capture hypotheses and decisions made, and collate findings, results and reports created through the life of the project.  It will also set the conditions by which archaeological investigation at Alconbury Brook, Alconbury is planned and undertaken by Sawtry History Society (SHS).  As such, it is a living document that will evolve as the project itself evolves.

1.2.       Site Details.

1.2.1.    Location.  The site is located immediately southeast of Alconbury and south of Alconbury House, as outlined in red on Figures 1.1 and 1.2.  The site is divided into two sub-sites by Alconbury Brook; Site 1 to the north (subdivided into Sites 1a and 1b) and Site 2 to the South (subdivided into Sites 2a and 2b), as indicated on Figure 1.3.  The north boundary of Site 1a is bounded by Alconbury Allotments, whilst to the west it is bounded by a small residential estate.  Adjacent to the west boundary of Site 1b is the Anglian Water Alconbury Sewage Treatment Works.  Site 2 is subdivided by ownership boundary (Figure 1.3).

1.2.2.    Reference Points.  A Site Benchmark (SBM) has been set for each site.  The SBM for Site 1 is the NW corner of the discharge outlet in the north bank of Alconbury Brook, south of the Sewage Treatment Works at NGR TL 19265 75449, whilst the SBM for Site 2 is the southwest corner of the east bridge across Alconbury Brook at NGR TL 19427 75464 (Figure 1.3).

1.2.3.    Site Reference Code.  The site reference code for all archaeological activities is ALB191-YY, where YY are the last two digits of the calendar year; eg ALB191-19.

1.2.4.    Geology.  The site sits below the 20m contour at the base of the south slope of Alconbury Hill.  The bedrock is Oxford Clay Formation - Mudstone.  The course of Alconbury Brook lies on an overlaying superficial band of Alluvium - Clay, Silt, Sand and Gravel, north of which there are no overlaying superficial deposits, whilst the south of which the overlaying superficial deposits are River Terrace Deposits - Sand and Gravel (Figure 1.4). Oxford Clay Formation-Mudstone.  A sedimentary bedrock formed approximately 157 to 166 million years ago in the Jurassic Period where the local environment was previously dominated by shallow seas.  These sedimentary rocks are shallow-marine in origin and are detrital, ranging from coarse- to fine-grained (locally with some carbonate content) forming interbedded sequences. Alluvium - Clay, Silt, Sand and Gravel.  Alluvium is a general term for clay, silt, sand and gravel.  It is the unconsolidated detrital material deposited by a river, stream or other body of running water as a sorted or semi-sorted sediment in the bed of the stream or on its floodplain or delta, or as a cone or fan at the base of a mountain slope.  Synonym: alluvial deposits.  Normally soft to firm consolidated, compressible silty clay, but can contain layers of silt, sand, peat and basal gravel.  A stronger, desiccated surface zone may be present. River Terrace Deposits - Sand and Gravel.  Sand and gravel.


1.2.5.    Protection.  The site is not protected or within a conservation area.

1.2.6.    Heritage Records.  Historic England National Heritage List for England (HLE) listings and Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Records (CHER) are either directly associated with (the location grid reference for the record relates directly to the site - Figure 1.5a), or related to (the location grid reference for the record lies within adjacent landscape - Figure 1.5b), the site, which contextualize the site within the archaeological landscape.  Full details are contained in Annex E, Appendix 1. Directly Associated.

CHER 08737 Earthwork Remains of Ridge and Furrow, Alconbury Related.

HLE 1006798 Alconbury Bridge

HLE 1130205 Brook House, 37, Hight Street

HLE 1130206 Boundary Wall to Number 43 (Box Cottage), High Street

HLE 1130207 Flats Numbers 1 and 2, 59 (Sluice Cottage), High Street

HLE 1130208 Barn to North East of Manor Farmhouse, The Maltings

HLE 1130209 Mon Abri, 7, The Maltings

HLE 1130210 Manor Farmhouse, The Maltings

HLE 1130238 2, Brookside

HLE 1130239 30, Brookside

HLE 1130240 34, Brookside

HLE 1130241 Manor House Hotel, 20, Chapel Street

HLE 1130242 Boundary Wall to Manor Farmhouse, Church Way

HLE 1130243 Milestone, Ermine Street

HLE 1130244 Milestone Opposite Police House, Great North Road

HLE 1130245 Homefield Farmhouses, Great North Road

HLE 1130247 Bell House, 8, High Street

HLE 1130481 Box Cottage, 43, Hight Street

HLE 1130484 Churchyard Cross Manor Farmhouse Garden, The Maltings

HLE 1164691 29, High Street

HLE 1317661 Bridge Crossing Alconbury Brook, The Green

HLE 1330459 Church of SS Peter and Paul, Church Way

HLE 1330460 Globe Garage, Globe Lane

HLE 1330461 23 and 25, Great North Road

HLE 1330462 Brooklands, Great North Road

HLE 1330482 Alconbury House, Rusts Lane

HLE 1330483 3 and 5, The Maltings

CHER 00795 Medieval Village Earthworks, Alconbury

CHER 00796 Alconbury Bridge

CHER 00797 Neolithic Axe, Alconbury

CHER 00801 Jug, Alconbury

CHER 00802 Perforated Axe or Hammer Head, Alconbury

CHER 00803 Manor Farm, Alconbury

CHER 00803a Barn at Manor Farm, Alconbury

CHER 00804 Manor House, Alconbury

CHER 00805 Perforated Macehead, Alconbury

CHER 00825 Roman Coin, Alconbury Brook

CHER 00826 Roman Quern and Coffin, Alconbury

CHER 00827 Flint Implements, Alconbury

CHER 00828 Roman Coin, Alconbury

CHER 01718 Iron Age Pottery, Alconbury

CHER 01758 Axehead, Old North Road, Alconbury

CHER 04550 Saint Peter and Saint Paul Church, Alconbury

CHER 07706 Cross, Alconbury

CHER 08738 Former Remains of Ridge and Furrow, Alconbury

CHER 09036 Medieval Earthworks, School Lane, Alconbury

CHER 09932 Possible Former Fish Ponds, Alconbury

CHER 10505 Excavated Remains of Ridge and Furrow, and Pond, School Lane, Alconbury

CHER 12316 Alconbury Park, Alconbury

CHER CB15500 Late Saxon_Medieval Activity, Spring Cottage, Alconbury

CHER CB15501 Excavated Remains of Ridge and Furrow, Spring Cottage, Alconbury

CHER MCB16871 Churchyard of St Peter and St Paul's Church, Alconbury

CHER MCB17166 Methodist Chapel, Alconbury

CHER MCB17942 Undated Cropmark, Weybridge Park

CHER MCB18014 Milepost, Alconbury

CHER MCB18016 Milestone, Alconbury

CHER MCB18548 Alconbury House

CHER MCB19230 Gardens of Manor Farm

CHER MCB19460 17th Century Boundary Wall, Box Cottage, Alconbury

CHER MCB24438 Odd House, Alconbury

CHER MCB24439 School, Alconbury

CHER MCB24440 Former Corn Mill, Alconbury

CHER MCB24441 Former Corn Mill, Alconbury

CHER MCB24442 Site of Former Blacksmiths Workshop, Alconbury

CHER MCB24447 Brooklands Farm, Alconbury

CHER MCB24448 Low Farm, Alconbury

CHER MCB27957 Medieval and post-Medieval Burials, Saxon Pottery, Alconbury Church

1.2.7.    Land Use.  Ordnance and Survey (OS) maps from 1888 to 2006 show the site north of Alconbury Brook to have consisted of two fields, the field boundary evident in the tree line adjacent to the Sewage Treatment Plant access road.  Until between 1972 and 1974 a sluice existed adjacent to the south edge of the concrete track transiting Site 1a.  The site south of Alconbury Brook is also shown to have consisted of two fields until between 1972 and 1974.  By 1952 the Sewage Treatment Plant had been constructed, and by April 2014 both the Allotments and Dog Training Arena had been established.  There is documentary and imagery evidence of medieval ridge-and-furrow north of the Alconbury Sewage Treatment Works in Site 1b, that extends the full width of the site and beyond to the west, which suggests historic arable use.  The earliest and subsequent OS maps indicate a dew pond located in Site 1a, suggesting that this part of the site has been held as pasture for approximately 150 years.  The 1942 Land Use Survey map (Figure 1.6), shows the entirety of the site to be Meadowland or Permanent Grass, indicating that the entirety of the site has been in pasture for the last ninety years, at least.































1.2.8.    Utilities.  Alconbury Sewage Treatment Works is located within the site, although the entirety of the plant is excluded from the scope of this project.  Utility lines associated with the Sewage Works are anticipated, to include sewage inflow and discharge pipework, and potable water and electrical services.  No other utility distribution services are known or anticipated within the site.

1.3.       Historical Background.  The first in-depth study of Roman roads in Britain was undertaken by Thomas Codrington who published his results in 1903.  The next comprehensive study of Roman roads in Britain was by Ivan D. Margary who published his results in two-volumes in 1955.  This was subsequently re-published as a single volume second edition in 1967, with the current single volume third edition being published in 1973.  In his study, Margary suggests that the Roman road to Leicester (Ratae Corieltauvorum), Margary's numerical reference #57a, did not depart the Roman road referred to as Ermine Street (the modern road B1043 also known as Ermine Street at this point) at the top of Alconbury Hill, as was commonly believed, and that it departed Ermine Street at a point opposite Lancaster Way, approximately 300m north of the roundabout with the A141.  The proposed route follows a northwest line of footpaths and field boundaries that enter the project site at the southeast corner of Site 1b (Margary, 1973: 206 & 214).  Another extensive study of Roman roads in the southeast Midlands was undertaken by a group of enthusiasts, collectively self-referred to as the 'Viatores', who published their results in 1964.  In this study, the 'Viatores' suggest that the Roman road from Dorchester-on-Thames (allocated the numerical reference #173 in keeping with Margary's system) joined Ermine Street, just north of Alconbury House in the approximate vicinity of Admiral Homespace (The Viatores, 1964: 271-274, 282-284 & 435-537).  Due to the length of this road, in order facilitate its description, the 'Viatores' divided it into four sections; the fourth section (from Bedford), referred to as #173d, being the section that transited from south to north through the site.  Figure 1.7 shows the proposed routes for both #57a and #173d.  For ease of reference, roads will be referred to by Margary's numerical system for Roman roads (Margary, 1973: 32-33).

2.          Aims and Methodology.

2.1.       Aims.  The aims of archaeological investigation of the Alconbury Brook site are to:

2.1.1.    Determine, or disprove, the existence of the Roman roads #57a to Leicester (Ratae Corieltauvorum) and #173d from Bedford.  Specifically: The route of both roads through the site. The water crossing point for road #173d, and whether this was by ford and/or bridge. The intersection of both roads.

2.1.2.    Determine the existence of any roadside activity, such as settlement or manufacture.

2.1.3.    Determine whether these roads were Roman constructs or utilization of pre-existing Iron Age tracks.

2.2.       Methodology. The methodologies to be employed are:

2.2.1.    Geophysical survey using both earth resistance and magnetometry.

2.2.2.    Topographical survey.

2.2.3.    Research.

2.2.4.    Archaeological Excavation.

3.          Objectives.

3.1        Establish a site grid for each site centred on their respective SBM, aligned with true north and divided into 20m x 20m survey squares, that encompass each site.

3.2.       Undertake surveys that will address the above stated aims.

3.3.       Undertake excavations that will explore survey results.

4.          Project Records.

4.1.       Site Survey and Excavation Sheets are at Annex A.

4.2.       Permissions (Schemes of Work, requests for a licence to undertake archaeological investigation, licences granted to undertake archaeological investigation, requests for Event Numbers and notification of Event Numbers) at Annex B.

4.3.       Interim Reports at Annex C.

4.4        Project Reports at Annex D.

4.5.       Research at Annex E.

4.6.       Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) at Annex F.

4.7.       Public Engagement at Annex G.

4.8.       Funding at Annex H.

5.          Resources.

5.1.       Geoscan Research RM85 Resistance Meter System and PA20 Probe Array assembly for geophysical resistivity surveys (loaned by Oxford Archaeology East).

5.2.       Geoscan FM256 Fluxgate Gradiometer for geophysical magnetometry surveys (loaned by Oxford Archaeology East).

5.3.       Survey grid marking system will be provided by SHS.

6.          Site Management.

6.1.       Archaeological activity is to be controlled by SHS archaeologists and coordinated with the Landowners' Historical Research Group.  No archaeological activity is to be undertaken unless agreed with the landowner, manager or tenant.

6.2.       All archaeological activity is to be undertaken in accordance with the Generic Risk Assessment (GRA) at Annex F.  Additional dynamic risk assessments may be implemented if deemed necessary by the SHS archaeologists.  All participants and site visitors are to sign as having understood the GRA and any additional dynamics.

6.3.       There are no welfare facilities available on this site.  All participants are responsible for the provision of their own food and refreshments.



Project Record 19-1 Annex A

Project Record 19-1 Annex A, Appendix 1

Project Record 19-1 Annex A, Appendix 2

Project Record 19-1 Annex B Permissions

Project Record 19-1 Annex B, Appendix 1 Event Numbers

Project Record 19-1 Annex C

Project Record 19-1 Annex D

Project Record 19-1 Annex E

Project Record 19-1 Annex E, Appendix 1

Project Record 19-1 Annex E, Appendix 2

Project Record 19-1 Annex F

Project Record 19-1 Annex G

Project Record 19-1 Annex G, Appendix 1

Project Record 19-1 Annex G, Appendix 2

Project Record 19-1 Annex G, Appendix 3

Project Record 19-1 Annex G, Appendix 4

Project Record 19-1 Annex H



The bibliography lists those sources of reference identified within the body of this project record.


British Geological Society. 2019. Geology of Britain Viewer. (4 November 2019).

Google Earth. 2020.

London School of Economics. 1942. Kettering and Huntingdon: Land Utilization Survey. Ordnance Survey County series, sheet 74, Six Inch.  London: London School of Economics.


Margary, I.D. 1973. Roman Roads in Britain. London: John Baker.


Ordnance Survey. 1969. 52/17-B// (Provisional). Administrative Area Series of Great Britain, 1945-1968, 1:25,000. Southampton: Ordnance Survey.

Ordnance Survey. 2006. Peterborough. Explorer series, sheet 227 west, 1:25,000.  Southampton: Ordnance Survey.


Viatores, The. 1964. Roman Roads in the South-East Midlands. London: Victor Gollancz Ltd.



The references lists those sources of reference consulted but not identified within the body of this project record.


Garrood, J.R. 1946. 'Romano-British Settlements at Alconbury Hill, Huntingdonshire', Transactions of the Cambridgeshire & Huntingdonshire Archaeological Society, VI(VIII), pp. 203-208.

Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Medieval Village Earthworks, Alconbury (00795). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Alconbury Bridge (00796). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Neolithic Axe, Alconbury (00797). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Jug, Alconbury (00801). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Perforated Axe or Hammer Head, Alconbury (00802). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Manor Farm, Alconbury (00803). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Barn at Manor Farm, Alconbury (00803a). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Manor House, Alconbury (00804). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Perforated Macehead, Alconbury (00805). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Coin, Alconbury Brook (00825). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Quern and Coffin, Alconbury (00826). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Flint Implements, Alconbury (00827). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Roman Coin, Alconbury (00828). (Accessed 26 November 2022).

Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Iron Age Pottery, Alconbury (01718). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Axehead, Old North Road, Alconbury (01758). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Saint Peter and Saint Paul Church, Alconbury (04550). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Cross, Alconbury (7706). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Earthwork Remains of Ridge and Furrow, Alconbury (08737). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Former Remains of Ridge and Furrow, Alconbury (08738). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Medieval Earthworks, School Lane, Alconbury (09036). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Possible Former Fish Ponds, Alconbury (09932). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Excavated Remains of Ridge and Furrow, and Pond, School Lane, Alconbury (10505). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Alconbury Park, Alconbury (12316). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Figure 1.1: Site relative to Alconbury

(Google Earth, 2020)

Figure 1.2: Site relative to Alconbury

(Ordnance Survey, 2006)

Figure 1.3 Site Divisisions.jpg

Figure 1.3: Site divisions (Google Earth, 2020)

Figure 1.4: Site geology (British Geological Survey, 2019)

Figure 1.5a: Heritage records directly associated with the site (Google Earth, 2020)

Figure 1.5b: Heritage records related to the site (Google Earth, 2020)

Figure 1.6: Land use map (London School of Economics, 1942)

Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Late Saxon_Medieval Activity, Spring Cottage, Alconbury (CB15500). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Excavated Remains of Ridge and Furrow, Spring Cottage, Alconbury (CB15501). (Accessed 26 November 2022).

Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Churchyard of St Peter and St Paul's Church, Alconbury (MCB16871). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Methodist Chapel, Alconbury (MCB17166).

(Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Undated Cropmark, Weybridge Park (MCB17942). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Milepost, Alconbury (MCB18014). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Milepost, Alconbury (MCB18016). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Alconbury House (MCB18548). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Gardens of Manor Farm (MCB19230). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: 17th Century Boundary Wall, Box Cottage, Alconbury (MCB19460). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Odd House, Alconbury (MCB24438). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: School, Alconbury (MCB24439). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Former Corn Mill, Alconbury (MCB24440). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Former Corn Mill, Alconbury (MCB24441). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Site of Former Blacksmiths Workshop, Alconbury (MCB24442). &resourceID=1000 (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Brooklands Farm, Alconbury (MCB24447). (Accessed 26 November 2022).

Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Low Farm, Alconbury (MCB24448). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Heritage Gateway. 2012. Cambridgeshire HER: Medieval and post-Medieval Burials, Saxon Pottery, Alconbury Church (MCB27957). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Alconbury Bridge (HLE 1006798). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Brook House, 37, Hight Street (HLE 1130205). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Boundary Wall to Number 43 (Box Cottage), High Street (HLE 1130206). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Flats Numbers 1 and 2, 59 (Sluice Cottage), High Street (HLE 1130207). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Barn to North East of Manor Farmhouse, The Maltings (HLE 1130208). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Mon Abri, 7, The Maltings (HLE 1130209). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Manor Farmhouse, The Maltings (HLE 1130210). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: 2, Brookside (HLE 1130238). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: 30, Brookside (HLE 1130239). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: 34, Brookside (HLE 1130240). (Accessed 26 November 2022).

Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Manor House Hotel, 20, Chapel Street (HLE 1130241). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Boundary Wall to Manor Farmhouse, Church Way (HLE 1130242). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Milestone, Ermine Street (HLE 1130243). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Milestone Opposite Police House, Great North Road (HLE 1130244). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Homefield Farmhouses, Great North Road (HLE 1130245). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Bell House, 8, High Street (HLE 1130247). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Box Cottage, 43, Hight Street (HLE 1130481). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Churchyard Cross Manor Farmhouse Garden, The Maltings (HLE 1130484). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: 29, High Street (HLE 1164691). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Bridge Crossing Alconbury Brook, The Green (HLE 1317661). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Church of SS Peter and Paul, Church Way (HLE 1330459). (Accessed 26 November 2022).

Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Globe Garage, Globe Lane (HLE 1330460). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: 23 and 25, Great North Road (HLE 1330461). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Brooklands, Great North Road (HLE 1330462). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: Alconbury House, Rusts Lane (HLE 1330482). (Accessed 26 November 2022).


Historic England. 2022. Historic England National Heritage List for England: 1330483 3 and 5, The Maltings (HLE 1330483). (Accessed 26 November 2022).

© Sawtry History Society                                                                                                                                                            Last Updated:  6 March 2025

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